Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chapter 30 (End) ;_;

Here you go everyone, chapter 30! And unfortunately, it is indeed the last chapter. ;_;

Miman Renai Chapter 30 (Mirror)

With this final chapter, I went ahead and re-organized the batch files into volume-like batches. I also created a single zip file containing all volumes for the new (and future) readers:

Volume 01 [MBT]
Volume 02 [MBT]
Volume 03 [MBT-anon]
Volume 04
Volume 05

Volume 01-05 (Complete)

Well, what can I say. I really loved this manga and I'm really sad to see it end. I think I really identified with the main character (programmer, afro, just about the same age), so I'm really happy it ended exactly the way I wanted -- with Kurose waiting for Tomoe to grow up before they get married (or even kiss).

To those who wanted a Prez end, my condolences -- she was a worthy adversary. To those who wanted a pedo end, you were probably reading a different manga than I was (though Tomoe was indeed very cute).

Feel free to drop in your opinions on the series in the comments, spoilers and all (so avoid the comments unless you've finished reading everything).

Thank you everyone for enjoying this series along with me, here's hoping the author's next series is equally as charming!